Build Resilience

To Own Your Space
In our 5-part series we take you on a journey to build your different areas of resilience so you can continue to elevate yourself and flourish.

5 Episodes – approx. 9 min each


What’s your Impact?

(9 mins)

With the pace of change feeling like it only seems to accelerate, now is the time to look at your resilience pillars and act.

Transform yourselves from ‘getting by’ to thriving!

Key practical tips shared in this episode:

  1. The power of observation and feedback
  2. Understanding your cues
  3. Learning to refocus


Invest in Yourself First

(9 mins)

So often we walk through life giving so much of ourselves to those areas of life, that we forget to stop and keep our own ‘bucket’ full.

Key practical tips shared in this episode:

  1. The importance and impact of daily practices
  2. How to build ‘me’ time in your schedules
  3. Getting clear on what you want
  4. Keeping yourself fresh and engaged


Super Charge Your Emotions

(9 mins)

Truly effective leaders know how to work with their emotions and the emotions of others.

We need to take ownership of what’s happening for ourselves, so we can be present for those around us.

Key practical tips shared in this episode:

  1. How to reframe your thinking for more effective outcomes
  2. The difference between reacting versus responding
  3. Owning the outcome of our emotions


Are your habits helping or inhibiting?

(9 mins)

It’s time to lift yourself out of the habits, patterns and distractions that steal precious time and energy, and rob you of productivity and that sense of achievement.

To be fully resilient, we need to have control over how we are spending our time and what we are spending our time doing.  Now’s the time to take back the controls and kick some of our less helpful actions to the curb.

Our action-packed episode shares practical tips on:

  1. Taking charge of the things that steal out attention
  2. Using your environment to accelerate your patterns
  3. Stacking your habits to boost your productivity 


Are you on a Daily Roller Coaster?

(10 mins)

Do you get to the end of the day and feel just knackered?  

Let’s look at ways to help you have sustained energy levels, for all times of the day. 

Key practical tips shared this week:

  1. Actions to get the quality sleep you crave! 
  2. Reframing our thinking about what fuels us. 
  3. Getting your ‘move’ on 
  4. The power of hydration


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